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We are very saddened at the recent loss of guitarist Godfrey Martyres. His
passing on November 9th has shocked us all. A memorial will be added to this site as soon as the information has been gathered.
----------------------------- Year 2003 EVENTS -----------------------------
Thursday February 6th, 2003 - Benny & Godfrey performed at 'Carnaval'
at Humbercrest - St. Marks Rd. Toronto, Ont. - (416) 394-2370. A great evening!
Saturday February 8th, 2003 - The Lazy Lizard - 22 Balliol (Yonge & Davisville)
Toronto, Ontario. CALL (416) 932-8194 and join us for our next evening there.
Saturday February 15th, 2003 - 'H to Oh!' was booked for a private party.
March thru May - H to Oh! on hiatus due to personal commitments and final CD touches. Godfrey and Benny performed
numerous gigs as 50% of 'Lee Van Leer & The Nouns'
Friday June 20th & Sunday June 22nd, 2003 - 'H to Oh!' played at the
Parkdale Culture Mosaic Festival.
Friday night featured the 'Opening Ceremonies' and the three piece band played a wide variety of styles. A smaller but enthusiastic
crowd attended on Sunday, as H to Oh! closed the event.
WEDNESDAY JULY 16th, 2003, "H to Oh!" played at 'Hollywood on the Queenway'
The event was shot for a future television broadcast on the Life Network.
Watch for them on an upcoming episode of 'Say Yes and Marry', Sundays at 7:30.
Here are links to related sites - > **>Link to the Hollywood
info*, *Link to the new song* + *Link to the song list<** and for pictures of the evening, click here ===>
*Hollywood July 16th photos* <=== click here,
August thru November - H to Oh! on hiatus due to health of Godfrey. Richard and Benny performed numerous gigs as
50% of 'Lee Van Leer & The Nouns' and 2/3 of 'Dean Gray Trio'.
November 9th, 2003 - Godfrey has passed away
after a lengthy illness. A memorial will be added to our site to celebrate his life. Godfrey and Benny have played together
for over 28 years. We all miss him.
November 14th - H to Oh! gig from July 16th appears for its first viewing
on 'The LIFE Network'
November 15th until November 25th - Benny on vacation in Thailand
November 27th - Benny and Richard play Trojan's with Dean Gray Trio
November 27th - Benny and Richard play
Timothy's with Lee Van Leer and the Nouns
------------------- UP COMING EVENTS -----------------------
Upcoming : The Millenium - Dundas St. West - Fall 2003
'H to Oh!' will begin regular gigging again soon after a lengthy break. The CD is due soon!
2003 - A return to the 'new' WAVES Sports Bar? - 2749 Lakeshore Blvd. West
- Etobicoke Ontario - Watch for it!
Other 'in the works' include 'JRs' on the Lakeshore, Badger's Rest in Aurora,
return to Hollywood on the Queensway, PK Creek in Mississauga, Lee's Palace, some Brampton appearances and a return to
The Gate. We'll post details here.
H to Oh! Main Web Site ...is
growing daily
visitors since September 2000
(click arrows to see a few band photos)
LINKS to information about "Lee Van Leer & the Nouns":
Lee Van Leer & the Nouns
L.V.L. & the Nouns - GTA Appearances
Lee Van Leer at MP3.com
LINKS to information about vocalist "Bridget Taylor":
Bridget Taylor
Previous Years' Events :
H to Oh! appeared
at the "CANADIAN MUSICIANS FOR LIBERTY" fund-raiser on Saturday October 27th,
2001 - 9AM-10AM.
The event supported the Canadian
Red Cross USA Relief Fund.
They performed LIVE at 1900 Lakeshore Rd. in Mississauga Ontario (905)-403-9941 and via the Internet at http://www.cmfl-td.com
(a Guinness World Book Record Event)along with other bands ranging from Ronnie Hawkins, Red Ryder, and Goddo, to Jeff Healey,
Alan Frew and The Open Mike [Bullard] Band.
December 22nd, 2000 - 7th
Annual Beaches Christmas Blues Festival <-(photos temp. offline) (416)-698-9780
The Church at Berkley - 315 Queen St. East, Toronto Ontario
Thank you for supporting the Hepatitis-C Society . . . . also featured :
Paul James, Ottawa's Sandmouth plus Toronto blues veteran, Micheal Hasek
H to Oh! appeared on CITY-TV's 'Breakfast Television'
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000 7 to 9 AM.
Thanks to Brad and all the members of the 'BT' bunch!
H to Oh! reformed in November 1999, played four evenings at the Toronto
Skydome's Hard Rock Café and reached the finals of the IT Management competition held there.
BOOKINGS : Call ALAN HEART MANAGEMENT(416)769-1354 ext 1
or Send
email to: h_to_oh@musician.org
Page designed and maintained by Benny Sanders
Contact : bennysanders@techie.com

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